What is a Van De Graaff generator? A Van De Graaff Generator is an electrostatic generator and a high electric potential accumulator on a hollow metal globe. Van de Graaff generators are described as "constant current" electrostatic devices. When you put a load on a Van de Graaff generator, the current (amperage) remains the same whereas the voltage that varies with the load. A Van de Graaff generator operates by transferring electric charges from a moving belt to a terminal. A typical Van de Graaff generator (labeled) looks like the following: (Photo credit : Wikipedia) Parts of the above generator are as follows: Hollow metallic sphere (with positive charges) The brush (ensures contact between the electrode and the belt) Upper roller (Plexiglass) Side of the belt with positive charges Side of the belt with negative charges Lower roller (metal) Lower electrode (ground) Spherical device with negative charges (used to discharg...